Friday 27 February 2009

I used to love Patrick Warburton's voice...

Anyone who has small kids, or a dorky husband, or just loves animated films, will understand my pain when I say I am so very sick of the voice of Patrick Warburton. Jeez, that guy is in EVERYTHING these days.

I just want to be able to get on with the housework, or surf the net, without hearing constant KRONK in the background. Go away, Kronk, stop invading every other animated world.....

He's actually quite good in live action, I think. What's that TV show he's in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But he's got such a cool name in that movie! Kronk!!!! I love it! Although I can't clearly think of what he sounds like, I know it is annoying to hear the same thing over and over.