Saturday 2 August 2008

Back into photography

Way back, years ago, when I studied photography (fairly briefly, at commuity college and school), it was still all about film. I still love film but we don't have a film camera at the moment, so I'm learning how to use our digital SLR. Some things are the same, some are very different, and some things I just plain forget how to do. And spending the copious amount of time it takes to reaquaint oneself with the art is nigh impossible with my three small people. So, it's a slow process...
... which all might sound like I'm trying to justify my crappy results but really, I'm just rambling away as usual...

The sun is shining again today (after a beautiful, very impressive storm last night!) so I popped out into the backyard to play in the lovely warm light. I just fiddled about with the camera settings and the light on a few plants.
It was quite dim in this corner of the garden and I loved the way the pinks kept changing as I increased the exposure time. Nothing special but I liked the colours.

Then, I was distracted by far more important subject matter...


Anonymous said...

Yay for photography!! I always said I would be a film person, but digital has come a long way since I first said that, and we've had a digital camera for about 3 years now I think. Digital has its advantages, like it doesn't matter if you mess up the exposure because you don't have to print it, so in that respect, it doesn't cost money if you make a mistake. Photography is fun even if you're not as into it as some people. I like your shots, the leaf ones are a little pale, but I think it works really well, kind of painting-like. And of course, Charlie is a cutie.

Sumara said...

Yes, the excellent thing about digital is you can take hundreds of photos and delete them if they don't work! Or, you can photoshop them into something that does work.

My leaf photos are pale, yes. The 2nd one is a bit too pale I agree, but I like the first one. I was almost going to put in there how much I like over-exposed photos. Not sure why, but the brightness and "painting-like" quality as you mentioned really appeals to me. Have you seen the really bright white one of Charlie on Noel's Flickr? It definitely isn't properly exposed but it's one of my favourite photos.
I think perhaps I prefer the look of photographs that turn out looking un-realistic... surreal even.
Anyway, I shall continue to play around with it in the moments I get...